The WSC holds their AGM in July 1974 and reflects positively on its first year of operation and looking forward to the future. By October Cricket has 60 registered players, Little Athletics has 120 participants and Netball have nominated 4 teams at the Fremantle Association.
The Office bearers at the WSC are mostly WJFC player fathers so there are some very familiar names.
1974 President: Dave Hackett
Vice Presidents: Ken Mathews and Ian Adkins
Hon. Gen. Secretary : Kevin Abbott
Hon. Treasurer: Dennis Anderson
Patrons of the Club: Ray Hagan and Ealco Tacoma
A Special General Meeting is held immediately after the July AGM where a revised WSC Constitution is adopted
The Willetton Sports Club are deep in negotiations with the Canning Town Council and developers to secure a 40 acre sporting complex at Burrendah Reserve. The Council have 25 acres vested with a further 15 to be negotiated with the Developer. The WSC recommends plans be drawn up and submitted to the Australian Government for approval of financial assistance. The WSC commit to paying $1000 or 50% of the fee to engage a Consulting Engineer to do the planning and requested the Council consider incorporating a licenced premises in the development of Burrendah Reserve.
The WSC have proposed a layout of a possible Recreation Complex at Burrendah Reserve is presented to the Committee meeting in January 1974. The layout includes a Junior and Senior football ovals, 2 hockey fields, athletics tracks, 2 cricket pitches, 10 grass tennis courts, 5 bowling greens, 4 basketball courts, jogging track, bicycle tracks, picnic and playground areas, parking and a provision for Clubrooms.
The Club agrees to purchase a typewriter to assist with the increasing correspondence required.
Registration day sees 68 players sign up for 1974 season. $100 is approved to purchase football equipment for the Junior Club. (Footballs are $100 each now)
4 perpetual trophies are donated to the the Willetton Sports Club.
The R & MJ Sobott Engravers Trophy for Junior Footballer of the Year was awarded to Mark Wills.
The WSC Junior Sports Star of the Year is introduced and all WSC junior players are eligible. Players are nominated monthly based on their performance both with their Club and outside their club in State or District representation. A panel chooses one player a month and then an overall Sports Star of the Year.
S Rowe is awarded the September WSC Junior Sports Star.
In July 1974 there are 150 families involved with the Club and there is much excitement at where the WSC can find opportunities to expand sport and facilities in Willetton to accommodate the rapidly growing population. By the end of 1974 Netball, Chess, Tennis and Hockey have joined the WSC. The Club uses $1000 to purchase a storage shed for equipment to be erected at the new Burrendah Reserve sporting complex.
This info was taken from the WSC Road Runner Feb 1983 and , Flashback, a look at the past as recorded in the minutes.
1974 Teams Fairest and Best award recipients
Under 9’s W. Barry
Under 11’s D. Keany and S. Muller
Under 11’s M Hegney
Under 13’s P Young

Flashback to July 1974 minutes the Road Runner November 1982

New Navy Blue Jumpers with Willetton Sports Club Logo

WSC Juniors in action against East Fremantle