7 Junior Teams registered.
Under 10’s win Premiership. Coach: Ted Morgan
WSC is working with the Town of Canning on plans for Burrendah Reserve.
The project will consist of 4 stages
Stage 1 Skateboard area, 4 basketball courts, 5 tennis courts, picnic area, hockey and cricket hard wicket with practice nets. Car parking, changerooms and storage facilities are also to be built.
Stage 2 Main Changeroom, toilet and storage facilities, youth centre and community hall, remaining grassed playing areas including turf wicket and practice area, adventure playground, further carparking.
Stage 3. Five extra tennis courts, sports hall, car parking and landscaping.
Stage 4. Bowling greens and final carpark development.
The Football division gives the WSC notification of its intention to establish a Senior Football Team for 1976. The Riverton Amateur Football Club has voted voted to join the Willetton Sports Club and field a Willetton senior side in the future.
The WSC meets with the Town of Canning to discuss the ongoing maintenance of Willetton Reserve on Apsley Road as the ground has experienced heavy use over winter and may be rendered unusable for summer sports.
This information was taken from The Road Runner May 1983 where Flashbacks to previous Club minutes are reviewed.
1975 Fairest and Best award recipients
Under 10’sย G. Adkinsย ย Coach is Ted Morgan
Under 10’s P. Tysoe
Under 12’s M. Hegney
Under 14’s T. Grice